You are browsing Planning Applications for the year 2024

24/01311/LBC28 St Albans Road Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UTReplace existing timber windows and back door with double-glazed Residence R7 Upvc windows and Sculptured 2800 Upvc door.
24/01785/FP154 High Street Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UBSingle storey rear infill extension and alterations to fenestration
24/01951/FPHHeston Paddocks, Drivers End, Codicote, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 8TRFull Permission Householder : Erection of detached 1-bed ancillary annexe with associated decking following demolition of existing detached garage.
24/01795/FPH76 St Albans Road Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UUSingle storey rear extension following demolition of existing rear element
24/01310/FPH4 The Riddy Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UPFull Permission Householder : Single storey front and side extensions following demolition of existing attached garage and rear conservatory. External renderPermission Granted
24/01114/FPH140 High Street Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UBErection of detached bin storePermission Granted
24/01121/FPHThe Tithe Barn St Albans Road Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UTReplacement of windows and doors on rear lean-to and addition of velux windows to rear. Removal of single story chimney at rear following demolition of existing rear pergola.Permission Granted
24/01122/LBCThe Tithe Barn St Albans Road Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UTReplacement of windows and doors on rear lean-to elevation and addition of historic velux windows to rear. Removal of single storey chimney at rear
24/00939/FPH1 Poynders Meadow Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UJErection of outbuilding in side gardenPermission Granted
24/01009/FPRobin Hood And Little John Rabley Heath Road Codicote Welwyn Hertfordshire AL6 9UBInfill courtyard extension and conservatory to west elevation. Alterations to fenestrationPermission Granted
24/01010/LBCRobin Hood And Little John Rabley Heath Road Codicote Welwyn Hertfordshire AL6 9UBInfill courtyard extension and conservatory to west elevation. Internal and external alterations.GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT
24/00835/FPJohn Clements Sports And Community Centre Bury Lane Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8XYInsertion of solar panels to existing roofslope of community sports hallPermission Granted
24/00648/FPH6 Mayflower Close Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8SWSingle storey front porch extensionPermission Granted
24/00674/FPH4 The Riddy Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UPSingle storey front, side and rear extensions, partial increase to roof ridge height and insertion of rooflights to existing front and dormer to existing rear roofslope to facilitate conversion of loftspace into habitable accommodation following removal of existing rear dormer, existing front attached garage and rear conservatory.Permission Granted
24/00498/LBC128 High Street Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8XEReplace single-glazed 1st floor rear elevation bathroom casement window to new timber (Iroko) single-glazed window.GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT
24/00355/FPLaundry Cottage Stud Hitchin Lane Old Knebworth Knebworth Hertfordshire SG3 6QLAmalgamation of two dwellings on site into one dwelling. Demolition and rebuild of existing ancillary residential storage within the former stables to create a 6-bed dwelling. External alterations to elevations of the existing property.Permission Granted
24/00388/S73Nup End Nup End Old Knebworth Knebworth Hertfordshire SG3 6QJSection 73 Application : Variation of condition 2 (revised plans) of planning permission 22/02706/FP granted 21.12.2022 for erection of general purpose agricultural building.Permission Granted
24/00360/FPHRuskin House Tagmore Park Tagmore Green Welwyn Hertfordshire AL6 9TJSingle storey rear extension and single storey front extension to link main dwelling to garagePermission Granted
24/00183/FPHHighlands Willow Walk Welwyn Hertfordshire AL6 9SQInstallation of free-standing air source heat pumpPermission Granted
23/02776/LBCCodicote House The Park Heath Lane Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8YUInstallation of underground cable linking the solar panels to the mains distribution within the basement of Codicote House.
23/02775/FPCodicote House The Park Heath Lane Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8YUInstallation of ground mounted solar panels including associated cabling and landscaping works.
24/00019/LDCP3 The Riddy Codicote Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 8UPSingle storey side extension to both East and West elevations and front porch