Peace Memorial Hall – Trusteeship Opportunity!

Codicote Peace Memorial Hall (PMH) was first opened in November 1927, to serve as a much-needed parish hall and as a memorial to celebrate the end of the war. Prior to 1927, the site housed a large barn, which, alongside accommodating a shoemaker’s workshop, was also used by the community for dances and public events. Whilst continuing to commemorate those who lost their lives in service of this country, the hall is used today as a venue for several clubs and community groups as well as a private hire venue.


Having initially been managed by the local church council, the diocese subsequently setup a trust to manage the hall. Today, the PMH is a registered charity (no. 302356) run by a Committee of Trustees, with all income from the use of the hall, including grants and donations, going back into its running and maintenance. The trustees are responsible for the day-to-day management of the hall, ensuring its ongoing maintenance and handling the PMH finances.


Having been trustees for the past 10 years, Martin and Mairi would now like to pass on the baton to some new trustees to take the PMH forward for the future. This is a great opportunity for someone motivated by supporting the community and with the drive to ensure the Peace Memorial Hall can thrive for years to come. This trusteeship would be an exciting prospect for someone who has the vision to develop the PMH, adapting it for the changing shape of the parish and the evolving needs of the parishioners.


Would you be interested?


If you would like to understand more about the trusteeship of the Peace Memorial Hall, please get in touch with either Martin Newman (PMH Trustee) or Pete Bexton (Parish Council representative for the PMH).


With thanks to the Codicote Local History Society.


Pete Bexton:


Councillor Pete Bexton