Herts Connected
Dear Partner
As you may be aware, we are replacing OWL (Online Watch Link) with a new community messaging system – Herts Connected – which residents can sign up to through our website Campaigns | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk) or directly www.hertsconnected.co.uk ahead of a soft launch on 1 April, 2024.
We will continue to keep residents updated on local, relevant news including crime prevention advice as we know that being part of a community messaging system helps prevent crime in local neighbourhoods and we hope residents will continue to receive the free, local messages and let us know the issues they face in their local areas.
Email communications from Herts Connected will come from Neighbourhood Alert, which is already used by more than 30 police forces across the country.
Herts Connected will give residents bespoke and more targeted messages based on their choices of what they want to receive messages about, including the Police and Crime Commissioner, Action Fraud and Neighbourhood Watch – not just based on their postcode.
Due to GDPR, we cannot transfer residents over automatically so they will have to click on the link and select their preferences.
Please could you update your website and publications with the Herts Connected link above and not use any OWL posters or publicity materials.
Sergeant Alex Smedley